Bike and the City
"Cycling makes the city more beautiful," words spoken by bike messenger Eva Spijkerboer in the #everydayriding portrait we made of her. On the one hand it's one of the best ways to experience the city, and on the other, every kilometer your ride on your bike contributes to the beauty of the city. Read on to find out how you and your bike add to the and quality of living in the city, and for tips on how to enjoy your bike ride even more.

Experience the city more intensively by bike
It all starts with your personal experience of the city: on your bike, you'll feel the street under your tires, asphalt, or cobblestones, hear the sounds and smell the "perfume" of the city. You are out in the open and in closer contact with the people around you. You are less anonymous in a way, more aware of the city around you that stimulates your senses as your cruise through it on your bike. A bike, by the way, that also offers an unprecedented sense of freedom; you can go almost anywhere, “park” anywhere, and more often than not you'll cross the city center much faster on your bike than by car. And of course, having your blood pumping through your body also has a positive effect on your health. Did you know, for example, that people who regularly cycle to work are sick less often than non-cycling colleagues?
Contributing to a greener, more beautiful city
As you raise your own sense of well being and level of health, you are doing the same for the "health" of the city. A bicycle takes up less space than a car, it makes less noise, and contributes much less to CO2 emissions than other forms of transport. Research shows that cycling is by far the most efficient form of transport in terms of energy costs. In addition to that, cycling also causes fewer serious accidents. So, seaking in terms of city health, less clogged city arteries, less city asthma, ad less city tinnitus. By taking the bike, you contribute to more space in the city for people and for greenery, cleaner air and safer traffic. In short, a nicer city.
Ride like the Dutch
We know, maybe it's not the most modest thing to say, but being a Dutch bikebrand, AGU is quite proud of the Dutch cycling culture. Unlike many other countries in the world, the bike is a primary mode of transportation, and has been for generations. As a result, the cycling infrastructure in the Netherlands is among the best in the world. We have seend the positive impact that cycling has on our small and cramped city centers. This insight is now shared in a growing number of other European cities. As a positive result of the pandemic, less public transport and fewer cars on the road, various cities such as Milan, Paris, Rome and Berlin took the opportunity to accelerate the construction of cycle paths to make the cities more bicycle-friendly and as a result, more pleasant places to live, work and visit.
Tips to enjoy your Bike in the city even more
Of course there are also challenges and disadvantages of the bicycle, namely the weather, but luckily we at AGU do have a solution for many of them:
- Rain does not have to be a reason not to get on your bike. Especially since you can also dress well against the rain. Think of waterproof jackets such as the Parka Long Rainjacket Urban Outdoor, or a pair of Compact Rain Pants Commuter including overshoes so that your feet stay nice and dry.
- A 100% waterproof bike bag such as the Clean Shelter Bicycle Bag is a perfect solution to keeping your things safe and dry. The sharp-looking bag is easily removable and has an inner compartment for a laptop. Using a bike bag means no more sweaty backs from using a backpack.
- Being active raises your body heat, and a breathable jacket will help you control that rising body temperature and avoid overly sweaty rides. The Pocket Raincoat Urban Outdoor for example will help you arrive at your job or school free from too soggy back and armpits.
- Being visible is the key to more safety on the road, especially when it is a bit darker or it is raining. That starts with good lights on your bike, of course, but with reflective or HiVis elements and neon yellow pannels on your bike and clothing, as we use in our Commuter collection you can add to you personal visibility and safety on the bike.
- And if traffic becomes to congested with cars, busses or other bikes, consider taking a different route. Maybe its a bit longer, but maybe quicker, and you'll see more of the city.
- Finally, enjoy your ride, be friendly with fellow cyclists, give space, brake and let others lead the way from time to time. A smile from someone else also increases your own pleasure.
Meer handige tips voor urban fietsers
- De lente komt eraan, echt waar! Nog meer reden om op de fiets te stappen. Met hier vijf tips om fluitend de lente in te fietsen.
- Dit voorjaar is het weer erg veranderlijk. 's Ochtends schijnt de zon maar 's middags kan het storten van de regen. Daarom hier tips om je te wapenen tegen de regen en de kou.
- Nog meer inspiratie nodig? Kijk dan ons #everydayriding portret van fietskoerier Eva Spijkerboer.