AGU B.V. - a company subject to Dutch law and whose most important market is the Netherlands - is the owner of this Internet site. AGU has opened this Internet site to inform consumers about the products, dealers and the most recent news about AGU. AGU also sells its products via this website. Visitors to this site may download all materials, but only for their own, non-commercial use. Copyright is reserved for this website. No part of this Internet site may be copied, stored in an automated data file or made public in any form whatsoever – whether electronic, mechanical or by means of photocopies, through recordings or any other manner – for public or commercial purposes without prior written permission from AGU B.V., Holland.
AGU B.V. will do all it can to keep the contents of this site accurate and up-to-date. However, the users may not rely on the accuracy or completeness of the content of this Internet site. Therefore, AGU B.V. is not liable for any damages whatsoever incurred as a result of the content of this site.
All rights to images, texts and other content on this site are the property of AGU B.V., unless stated otherwise. Any unauthorised use of any portion of the site shall be considered an infraction of the rights of AGU B.V. AGU B.V. cannot be held responsible for the content of Internet sites that are linked electronically to this site. All trademarks, names and logos used by AGU B.V. on this site are the property of AGU B.V., unless stated otherwise. The use of this site grants no entitlement to contravene these rights or the rights of third parties whose information is on this site. Neither AGU B.V. nor any other person involved in the creation or maintenance of the site is liable for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of this site or the information that it contains.
AGU B.V. cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses caused by any virus or other items of a destructive nature that can infect the user's computer or any other property, as a result of the use of this site or of downloading a portion of this site's content. AGU B.V. considers all information made available by users via this site, including personal information, questions, comments or suggestions as being made available for use by AGU B.V. So do not send anything by electronic means that must be treated confidentially. All information that AGU B.V. receives may be reproduced, publicised or used in any manner for any purpose whatsoever by AGU B.V., including but not limited to the development of new products, changes to existing product lines, services or marketing. These conditions can be changed at any moment without AGU B.V.'s being required to publicise this. Therefore, we would ask that you consult this page regularly to ascertain whether you comply with the conditions.
Some exclusions of liability cannot be permitted within the local legislation of certain legal areas. So it is possible that some or all of the exclusions do not apply to you. Furthermore, some products or services from this Internet site may not be available in some legal areas.